AIT and Licensure Paperwork
Figuring out how to get the AIT and Licensure paperwork can be daunting. ACHCA-Indiana would like to help you out by giving some basic guidelines to consider – not legal advice.
The state agency that will handle all of your paperwork and ultimately issuing and overseeing your license is:
State Board of Health Facility Administrators
402 W Washington St, Room W072
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
State Board of Heath website
Staff Phone Number: 317-234-2067
Staff Email: pla4@pla.IN.gov
Click here to open a PDF document that will answer many of your questions about what you need to do to get started with your AIT. Additionally, review the FAQs section to get many of your questions answered about the AIT, federal exam (NAB/RCAL), and state exam (HFA and RCA).
If you have a question, contact Vivian Wright-Defrees, President ACHCA-IN Chapter, at vwrightdefrees@successdevelopment.biz and we will provide you with an answer – if we can – and include your question and answer in our next FAQ update.
HFA Board Meeting Dates
The meetings will commence at 10:00 a.m. local time and adjourn upon completion of all scheduled business unless otherwise posted. Please note that meeting times and dates are subject to change. Unless otherwise noted, Board meetings will be held in the Indiana Government Center South, 402 West Washington Street, Room W064, Indianapolis, Indiana. Members wanting to observe the meeting should arrive no later than 9:50am for coordination.
2018 Meeting Dates
- January 23
- March 27
- May 22
- July 24
- September 25
- November 27
Click here for Indiana State Board of Health Facility Administrators information.
News & Events
Saddle up for the 2019 ACHCA National Convocation in Louisville, KY!
In lieu of ACHCA National Convocation taking place in our district, the annual D3 meeting will be cancelled. This year is the perfect opportunity to attend the National Convocation! Be sure to register as soon as possible to secure your spot and to take advantage of...