News & Events
See what we’ve been doing and what’s coming up…
Saddle up for the 2019 ACHCA National Convocation in Louisville, KY!
In lieu of ACHCA National Convocation taking place in our district, the annual D3 meeting will be cancelled. This year is the perfect opportunity to attend the National Convocation! Be sure to register as soon as possible to secure your spot and to take advantage of...
2017 Indiana Chapter Awards
Here are our 2017 Indiana Chapter Award winners! 1. Distinguished Nursing Home Administrator Award – Brenda Lewis, HFA, FACHCA 2. ACHCA Distinguished Service Award – Mark Prifogle, HFA, FACHCA 3. New Nursing Home Administrator Award – Ashley Douglas, HFA 4. New...
10th Annual Post-Acute Leadership Summit
ACHCA D3 Conference: IN, KY, MI, OH & WV Feb.28 - Mar. 2, 2018 Total Number of CEUs: 18 Belterra Casino Resort & Spa, Florence, Indiana Session Topics Include: • Certified Dementia Practitioner Training • RoP Phase 2 - What have we learned • RoP Phase 3 - What...
Lean Six Sigma, Green Belt Certification Training
Session 1: Introduction - July 26-28th, 2017 Session 2: Implementation - August 23-25th, 2017 For the training, each attendee to is expected to identify a relevant performance improvement project ahead of the training and ideally complete the attached Project Charter...
Indiana Chapter Receives ACHCA Chapter Achievement Awards
Washington, DC - May 9, 2016 - The American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA) is proud to recognize the Indiana Chapter of ACHCA as a 2016 recipient of three ACHCA Chapter Achievement Awards, that were presented during the awards ceremony at ACHCA's 50th...
2016 Call to Exhibit – ACHCA District 3 Executive Leadership Summit
March 2-4, 2016 Rising Star Casino in Rising Sun, IN We are excited to invite you to be a part of this very special event and are extremely grateful for your continued support of the American College. Registration booklets will be sent to potential attendees in the...
Success Development, Inc. – 2016 Schedule
Click here for the 2016 Successful Development, INC schedule.