Session 1: Introduction – July 26-28th, 2017
Session 2: Implementation – August 23-25th, 2017
For the training, each attendee to is expected to identify a relevant performance improvement project ahead of the training and ideally complete the attached Project Charter document.
Instructions for completing the Charter are included in LS Practitioners Guide excerpt. Suitable projects ideally:
• Focus on a single process
• Tie back to, or are driven from an organizational strategic goal
• Are reasonably scoped
• Drive one or perhaps two key measures
• Are linked to customer requirements or experience
• Will have measurable business impact
• Do not have a solution in mind i.e. the project is shaped around a problem which will require solving in the project
During the training (after class each day), I will take time with the individual participants to discuss their project to help shape, scope and focus them for success. If participants wish to, they can send their Charter to Ian ahead of time and we would review on a phone call to prior to training.